Even Fang Zhou smiled and said, "What do you say? Today, when adding a basin, my second aunt and my second sister-in-law stared at Azeri and Qinger’s delivery. I don’t know how long it took them to ask Qinger’s words. If I talk about others, I can’t guarantee that they will keep it from me! Sister-in-law questioned Qing-er just to prove one thing. Those two things were not themselves, but I brought them a face! Oh, of course I wouldn’t have such a valuable thing, so I naturally took it from you! They must blame you for keeping secrets! "
Li Fu’s eyebrows are picked and picked. Think about it carefully. It is very possible that he talks about Fangzhou as a "country woman" behind his aunts and yisow, and he thinks that he doesn’t know there will be such an idea.
He couldn’t help but be annoyed and patted Lian Fangzhou’s shoulder judo. "You don’t get angry. What can they do even if they guess so?" Can you still manage our family affairs? It’s just a little boring to think of it! "
Even Fang Zhou laughed. "You are right! It’s just boring to think about it! These two people are really interesting! "
Li Fu laughed. "They will be scared to death when they know about their family’s money one day! I won’t be bored then! "
Even Fang Zhou unknowingly Yan mouth laughed and laughed "that’s right! Don’t say that even our family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family’s family.
Li Fu then laughed, "This is Niang’s well-run business. If they know that it’s all Niang’s credit, they should be scared to see who dares to look down on my mother! I don’t pay attention to these leaders and I’m not good at it. I’m lucky to have a good mother! Alas, I kept saying that I raised you, but in the end it was up to you! Good mother, you can’t leave me! "
Even Fang Zhou knew that he was afraid of getting angry in his heart and deliberately teasing himself to play. He couldn’t help giggling and laughed. "How could I not want you?" You have a lot of money! Your wife left me with almost nothing but a few unique jewels and exceptionally rare gems! Congratulations, you still have me! "
Li Fu laughed. "So I’m still a rich man?"
"Exactly!" Even fangzhou nodded seriously, and the two of them laughed.
Li Fu took her in his arms and kissed Judo. "Don’t let them come back unless necessary, so it’s a province. You can always make something out of sight, out of sight, and forget it!" Ok? "
Even Fang Zhou felt a little guilty when she was warm. "I’m just upset and complaining!" In fact, they now where also tube wear our house! It is impossible to insert an agent! "
"That’s natural!" Li Fu smiled and nodded.
But they don’t know how long it will take them to get into trouble.
A month has passed in an instant.
Looking forward to the day, the moon will come out day by day, and even Fangzhou will finally be released from prison with a long sigh of relief!
Spring apricot has already prepared hot water, sweet pancreas and toilet water. In the bathroom, Fang Zhou even took off her clothes and stepped into the bathtub. The warm water flows from all sides and is soft and soft. The warmth makes people relax and enjoy themselves in the bones.
Even fangzhou was lazy and leaned against a long sigh of relief.
However, when she saw her belly protruding through the water, she was not happy and comfortable.
Reach out and knead it for a few times. It’s all meat!
Even Fangzhou is depressed!
The lower abdomen is so predictable, and the waist must be a lot thicker, with arms, legs and face …
A thick layer of meat has not grown in one place.
She suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and she didn’t know if Li Fu had seen it. If you ask him to see it, it will be really depressing!
She immediately decided to accompany him to get up early every day and go to the martial arts field to exercise!
Don’t say that tying your husband’s heart is to live at home. How many women want to get fat?
If she goes like this again, let alone others, she will not be able to see herself! Holding the belly meat, even Fang Zhou hates it.
The full moon banquet is not as grand as washing three dishes.
Li Fu loves this child very much, and it hasn’t been born yet. Almost all the officials in Beijing know that General Li is looking forward to this child.
On the day when the child was born, General Li’s whole face was blurred and his mouth was smiling. Some people couldn’t help but ask and listen to General Li’s triumphant smile and say, "My mother gave birth to me in the early morning!" When everyone wants to laugh, they dare not.
This general Li really wants to be crazy! It’s just having children. Who doesn’t have children? I’ve never seen anything like him.
During the full moon banquet, many people came to have fun.
Several emperors also sent their housekeepers and face stewards to congratulate them.
To Lian Fangzhou’s surprise, several imperial glass palaces were the first to come. Mammy, the steward, was the first person around Princess Glass. She went to the hospital to kowtow to Lian Fangzhou and congratulate him. She smiled and said many compliments and auspicious words.
Even Fang Zhou watched her with a perfunctory look, but she couldn’t see a clue.
Or somebody else is sincere, and there is nothing disrespectful or bad to see.
Even Fang Zhou’s heart can’t help but pout. It seems that being a wicked person is better than being a good person these days! Her name was so badly damaged by her master’s family that this full moon banquet will be very deserted. Who knows it is so busy that there is almost no room for it!
In a short time, the Zhujiajian side also sent someone to send a very thick gift, and people were also well-advised to send a gift, said a few words and left.
Even Fang Zhou and Li Fu are not good for people on a bright day. Of course, the things sent by his family and several royal families are destined to be shelved, even Fang Zhou dare not put them out easily. Who knows if anyone has tampered with them?